19 products

    19 products

    Chiastolite is known for its cross-shaped black graphite inclusions. Because of the cross, this material has been utilized as a jewel. In a graphite-rich metasediment, metamorphosed sediments within Georgetown, California region included andalusite and chiastolite. A mixture of muscovite, paragonite and margarita has pseudo morphically altered the chiastolite crystals. Within the chiastolite, calcium-rich margarite tends to develop along with graphite-rich crosses or bands. The presence of all three white mica phases in an equilibrium assemblage is significant mineralogically.

    Origin: Europe. Color: Gray, yellowish-green, orangy brown, white, greenish-brown, and pinkish brown. Clarity: Opaque. Cut: Facets, Cabochons. Treatment: Untreated 100% Genuine Gemstone