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    111 products

    If you're considering purchasing Rhodusite jewellery or a gemstone, learning more about this gorgeous natural treasure will be valuable! Let us start by explaining that Rhodusite is an amphibole mineral. Amphiboles, on the other hand, fall within the category of silicate minerals. These minerals are well-known for their extraordinary ability to crystallize in needle-like crystals or prisms. As a result, this jewel also appears in this one-of-a-kind pattern of excellent elongated fiber. Magnesio-riebeckite is another name for it. If blue is your favorite hue in jewellery, you'll be drawn to this amphibole mineral, which comes in a variety of blue tones. The chatoyancy of this mineral is quite appealing.

    Origin: Russia. Color: Bluish-gray. Clarity: Translucent. Cut: Facets. Treatment: Untreated 100% Genuine Gemstone